Thursday, September 8, 2011


My brother, Taylor, and his wife had their first baby this summer! She is sooo... cute and we love her sooo.... much! The only problem is they live 5 hours away in Blanding. We hate that they are so far away from us and that we don't get to see them more often. We thought we were going to have to wait for her baby blessing to get to see her but my brother got a job promotion and they were coming to Salt Lake every week for a few weeks not long after she was born! So we were able to see her when she was just a couple of weeks old instead of almost 2 months! Yeah! But silly me I didn't get any pictures, when they came to visit or when we went to Blanding for the baby blessing! But take my word, she is adorable!

They blessed her Sunday August the 28th. We left about 5am Saturday morning to put as much time between the drives as we could. So we had some time on Saturday to kill. My mom and dad know one of the Dosi couples at the Bluff Fort Visitor Center so they thought it might be kind of fun to go down there for a little bit. Our motel had a pool so the kids had a hard time understanding why we were going to visit Bluff when we could just go to the pool. Once we got down there and they started looking around we had a hard time getting them to leave! We heard over and over again, "We have to come back here!"

First they dressed the girls up in pioneer garb. Then we watched a short movie about the pioneers who settled Bluff. For those of you who don't know it was settled by the group that came through the Hole in the Rock. The story is amazing! For more about the story click here.
They gave the boys a few things to fit the time period and then we got to go out side and take pictures!

I always pictured covered wagons much bigger then this.

Can you imagine what it would have been like for me to move my whole family across the country in this thing?!

This wagon is one of the wagons to actually come through the Hole in the Rock!
Can you believe it?!

My kids in front of the wagon that came through.

The girls were more then willing to keep posing for pictures! And I was more then willing to keep snapping them! I was amazed at this place and want to go back when we can spend more time.

They have handcarts that you can pull around the grounds if you would like. We didn't take the time while we were there, but it was fun to watch the kids think about how we would make that work as a family too!

Connor ready to take off on his own trek across the country!

Porter is a little less ready!
(I will take another post to explain the broken hand!)

The girls are more then ready!
They thought this was all very exciting!

Our stake is doing a trek next year for Youth Conference.
Jaxon is getting a head start!

We had a nice afternoon in Bluff and almost all we talked about on our way back to Blanding was going back!

We had a nice little trip to Blanding and we are so glad we were able to go and share that wonderful experience with The Harrison's!

Memorial Day 2011

Last year on Memorial Day weekend we went to Idaho for a Family Reunion. We did a mini tour of Southern Idaho! One of the stops that we made was Shoshone Falls. Soon after we lost my Grandma and then just 3 months after that we lost my Grandpa. I made a decision that I wanted to take my family back every year on Memorial Day weekend. We were starting a new family tradition! I cannot express enough my gratitude to my husband for supporting me in this! He went above and beyond to make this happen for me.

First we stopped at my grandparents house. I was amazed at how much this meant to my kids. The pictures in front of the house were their idea.

This trip we also went to the "Twin Falls" I think it is ironic that one of the falls that a whole city is named after hasn't been a "falls" for like forever!

Makes for a good picture though!

This is a picture of the Shoshone Falls 2011

This is a picture of the Shoshone Falls 2010


I thought the falls were impressive last year! Holy Cow! But with more water comes more people! We sat in our car in line for 20 minutes. It took us FOREVER to find a parking space. But it was sooo... worth it!

I am so grateful for the example of my grandparents. For all the things they taught me. But mostly I am grateful for all the time they spent with me. I know they are watching over me the same way they always have.

Emma's Preschool Graduation

Following in her brother's footsteps Emma went to Jr. Jag Preschool at West Jordan High. I love this program and I love that all of the kids have done it. I love watching all of the kids and teachers get so attached to each other. I love that a huge production is made of graduation.

Emma (and everyone else) making sure their glasses are on straight!

Emma and daddy coming back with her diploma!

Emma and Miss Amber!

Emma and Miss Nohemi

Emma and her friend Kylie

Emma and Miss Kris!

We LOVE Miss Kris!

She runs the preschool and has been informed she has to stay for at least 3 more years to make sure she is there when Maycie goes!


I went out to the suburban one day and found this HUGE snail on it! I know we are way past when I should have shared this, I just couldn't be the only one to see so it made it to blog post!
The weird part was I went out later and it was just gone! And was never seen again!

Spring Dance Recital 2011!

Emma had her second Dance Recital in May! She did a wonderful job (again)! She loves getting to be up on the stage (shocking, I know!).

We have loved Skippy getting to be her dance teacher.

Computer Issues!

Our computer was working this summer, just not very well. It made it hard to have on for more then a few minutes at a time. That in turn made it hard to do anything but the bare minimum. But we seem to be back up and running like normal again so I am going to try and get caught up! I know I have said this before but here we go any way! =)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Camping in Zion!

We have some friends who go camping in Zion National Park almost every spring. This year they invited us to go with them. Jeron and the kids had never been and I hadn't been since I was a teenager. We were all very excited to take the Suburban out on a trial run and even more excited when we were able to get everything in like we wanted!

We had a great time and did a lot of hiking. The kids all did great, even Maycie! She would do most of the first half of a hike and then I got to carry her down while she slept! (I am not kidding!)

Emma had a blast!

And as I said Maycie had GREAT naps on my back!

I was sooo... wishing we had brought the back pack we have for her!

She really did well with all of it though and insisted on doing as much of the hike as she could! And really was a happy camper!

The boys all had a blast climbing everything in sight!

Even lifting a rock or two...

or just showing off some muscles!

All the kids got along really well.

The girls had fun playing in the sand at the end of a hike.

Connor loved skipping rocks across the river.

Spring time is a time of new beginnings.
That means caterpillars. A LOT of them!

I am not joking when I say A LOT of them!
They were every place. You couldn't walk without stepping on them. When you took your shoes off outside the tent they climbed in and took over your shoes!
We were throwing caterpillars out of the car window all the way home!
We even found a few dead ones on camp chairs after we got home!

All of those big clumps you see in the trees are clumps of caterpillars!

The scenery was amazing!

I hope we go again...soon!

I feel very grateful for this wonderful land my Father in Heaven has given me to enjoy!

For the wonderful family he has given me to enjoy it with!

And the good friends who let us tag along on their wonderful trip!

A Midsummer Night's Dream

In 6th Grade the kids get the opportunity to do a play by Shakespeare. This year Connor's class got to do A Midsummer Night's Dream. Connor was very excited about it and his teacher could not say enough nice things about how he did!

He had a lot of fun and I really enjoy getting to go to things like this. I did have my extra one, or as I like to call her "my #6"! that day. Connor was worried that I wouldn't be able to go because of it. Like a little thing like that could stop me! HA! It was eventful but fine! And well worth my time! They all did a wonderful job!

Pinewood Derby 2011!

We had our LAST Pinewood Derby this year! Could you feel my joy and excitement?! Sorry! But I do have to admit that this has been a source of stress to me every time my boys have done it. It just has!

Porter did really well this year and came in 4th place over all!
I couldn't be there because it was at the same time as Mutual so I did a little bit of running back and forth.

Porter was very excited and had a great time telling me all about it!

4th Grade Recorders!

In 4th Grade my kids have learned to play the recorder. And then the end of the year program includes the recorders. It is always a fun and entertaining program!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Puppet Shows and Big Brothers

Disclaimer: I need you all to remember I am doing these blog entries from memory and how naughty we all know that is! So please forgive me if I do not remember exact dates because I don't! =)

Emma came to me one day with a problem. She was putting on a puppet show for her stuffed animals and baby dolls. Only Pooh Bear was much too tired to watch the puppet show. He wanted to watch so very badly but just could not get himself to set up!

Well, we just couldn't have poor Pooh Bear miss the puppet show so I went into the living room to see what I could do to help.
I found that Emma had neatly lined everyone up so that they would all have a wonderful view of her show. I had no idea she had been doing this and I had to stop short at the sight. It was just too cute for words!

She tried stacking books for her stage. But they just wouldn't hold up. They kept falling over on her.

Big Brother Connor to the rescue! He very graciously volunteered to be the stage. He turned out to be just right! The things this young man would do for his sisters!

We finally figured out a way to keep poor Pooh Bear upright so he could enjoy the show with all of his friends. You might notice she also made every one a seat from books as well! It so nice to know she is putting all the books we have to good use!

She had a wonderful time putting on the puppet show and did a few different versions!

Even took a bow or two...

or more!

It was so much fun watching her do this. I love getting to watch Emma use that wonderful imagination of hers!