Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Emma - 2013

With a 5 year break ahead of her, Emma likes to think that she is "kind of" like the oldest. She is a great big sister and a pretty good little one too!  She is pretty helpful with Maycie and does her best be a good example.
Emma had a number of first herself this year! In January she found out she will get to have braces! Crazy that I have to start her orthodontic work at the age of 7! Luckily we are still waiting for one more tooth to come in before we put the expander in.  We'll see if she enjoys it as much as she thinks she will!  She got used to going to school all day in First Grade.  And then when she started Second Grade she got her first new teacher since Kindergarten! (She was lucky enough to have her Kindergarten teacher move to 1st grade AND to have her again!) And for the first time she has more then one teacher!  She has two teachers that are doing job share and she loves it and we love both of her teachers!  Emma turned 8 in 2013 and so that came with a whole lot of firsts!  Well, firsts and special events!  She got to go to her first Activity Days.  She loves going and loves her leaders.  We got to go do a special photo shoot for her Baptism announcement.  We got to go make special Baptism jewelry.  Maycie came with us and was so cute and not once did she ask to make anything for herself.  It was a good example to me of what a special relationship they have.  We got to go shopping for and help Grammy make her baptism dress.  And then the special day of her Baptism.  That was a good day for mom too.  For the first time I had something to do!  She got to fast for the first time.  This was actually a pretty special experience for both of us.  My cousin was having some health problems on his mission and we were fasting for him.  I didn't even know that Emma was going to participate with us until we were well into the Fast.  Toward the end, she was having a hard time.  I remember looking at her and asking her why we were fasting.  She looked at me with those big eyes full of tears and she said, "Because I love Sam!" And she didn't say another word after that! Some days I feel like she is 8 going on 12!  I'm not ready for her to grow up!  But I do have to say I am enjoying the amazing young lady she is growing into! She teaches me so much and helps me be a better person everyday!

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