Friday, July 2, 2010

Eternal Families

I made dresses for my girls this week! (HUGE smiley face here!) Some of you may know that I sew, but very little and so this is a big deal for me. Now this introduction to a blog entry titled "Eternal Families" may not make much sense to you. But I promise it will.

This is probably the hardest blog entry I have ever made. I have started it a million times in my head and have been trying to make myself sit down and do it for more then two weeks now. See, my Grandma Perkins passed away on June 17th. She checked my blog regularly and I knew it. This blog entry is one of those things that I knew needed to be a part of our little family history I am keeping via blog but... just hard to make myself do. It was very unexpected and I still have to remind myself she is gone. My grandfather is very sick and has been for awhile and I made my dad tell me twice it was really grandma to make sure I had heard him right.

So the reason I started this blog entry telling you about my girls dresses is because it is something I would tell Grandma! She would be, correction: She IS so proud of me! My Grandma Perkins (or Snowmobile as she was lovingly referred to by me as a child and now my kids) was very talented in many things. The sewing just happens to be what I have been thinking alot about recently. We were in the middle of making PJ pants for YW camp and I kept making very silly mistakes. I kept thinking, "Grandma is watching me from Heaven shaking her head at me!" I think that is why I did the dresses. To show her I could really do it! (Well, with ALOT of help from my mom! ;)

There have been so many memories shared in the last couple of weeks. So many hugs. So many blessings. It was hard to watch my kids try to understand. It was hard to explain it when I didn't really understand myself. I kept thinking about hearing her voice over the phone just the night before. How could she just be gone the next day? I am so grateful to have the gospel and the knowledge that comes with it that I will get to see her again. That families are eternal and that if I do my part and teach my children we will be able to have these same family relationships and be together forever. Emma just looked at me and said, "Well, she'll be resurrected mom!" Things got a little more real at the Viewing and Funeral though. At one point she just looked at me and said, "I am going to miss her so much." Jaxon asked me how old she was. When I told him that she would have been 78 this November he looked at me and said, "That is too young mom." I had to agree. But the lives that she touched and the love that she shared left a legacy that will live on so much longer. Anyone who knew her was better for it.

Family Reunion 2009

We love you Grandma!


Becky said...

I'm so sorry about your loss Brook. We love you and will be praying for your family to find comfort in this unexpected loss.

Ang said...

I'm sorry were so lucky to have such a good relationship with her, but I know you will miss her! (((hugs)))

Ang said...

whoops....just realized I spelled your name with an e (hee hee - sorry!)

Brie and Jeff said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma, Brook. You are so right. No matter how difficult it may be to be without someone, it is such a blessing to know it is temporary. My Gramie passed away when I was 6. She was my best friend. It was really hard but I feel like she can look after me more/better now than she could before. Much love and prayers.