Friday, January 7, 2011

Blessings Come In Many Ways!

Some of you may already know that things have been a bit stressful at our house for the last little bit. Money has been tight and we all know the fun that causes! You add to that my Grandparents and our dog and I was starting to joke that we were caught in the worst country song ever! Well, what would that song be without a lost job.
Can you see it coming? On October 15 Jeron lost his job. The funny thing is that after that things didn't seem quite so stressful anymore. When he called me to tell me what was going on there was an immediate peace that came over me. That is not to say I have not had a few days where I feel like I am coming apart at the seams! But I knew, I knew this was going to be the best thing for us. I just kept thinking about Nephi getting the Brass Plates. Nephi telling Lamen and Lemuel that the Lord is mightier then all the earth why not mightier then Laban and his 50? (See 1Nephi Chapters 3 & 4). Well, if that's true then the Lord is mightier then Jeron's old boss! If we were not going to be okay through this and not be able to make this be for our good it would not have happened. I just have to keep reminding myself every few days!
The windows of Heaven have opened for us. 1 month to the day Jeron started another job. It is temporary but it is a pay check. There are no benefits but the kids all qualify for something through the state so they have insurance. Every time I think there is something I won't be able to handle the Lord steps in.
He is still looking so... My cousins gave him some info about a job in Texas, but we would like to exhaust options that don't have us selling our house at a HUGE loss!
We have felt the prayers of our family and friends. Thank you so much for all of your love and support. We love you all and we'll keep you posted!


Ang said...

I'm so sorry. You are amazing to have such a positive attitude. I will pray for your family. You are still one of my best friends and favorite people though distance and time has changed our relationship. I love you and your family will be blessed for this trial and the faith you are showing!!

ToniBug said...

I just love your positive attitude! You are such an amazing example.