Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What I Learned At The Gym

This morning I was having a hard time getting myself to the gym.  I just go to our local rec center and in the couple of weeks that I missed they replaced some of the old dieing equipment with brand new stuff.  I know that sounds like a good thing...I know in my head it is a good thing but my body is not in agreement!  See, the new equipment is giving me a much better workout.  And again, even though I know this to be a good thing a sore body just doesn't want to go to the gym.
My mom watches Maycie on Mondays and Wednesdays for me but I still call and check to make sure that is going to work.  Well, I forgot to call last night and check.  I thought I was going to be able to use this as an excuse to get out of it today.  And then I got a phone call from my mom, "Are you bringing Maycie over this morning?"  So thanks to my mom I was able to get a good workout but I was also able to receive some peace about this election.
I don't really like election time.  I don't like all of the contention and the mud slinging that comes with it.  I believe that we are all entitled to our own opinions and shouldn't be judged for them.  In a perfect world we would be able to put our support behind a candidates based on the issues. And the candidates would be upfront and tell us where they stand so we could make informed decisions.  But, unfortunately that is not how it works.  They make speeches dancing around the issues and, if we are lucky, somewhere hidden in that dancing speech is something about the issues and where they stand.  But no matter who we vote for we are all Americans.  We need to stand united.  I know this and it is what I want and that is why this article helped me so much.
I have started reading the Ensign while I do the elliptical (thanks to my Nook - thank you to my sweet husband!).  Today I read an article that helped me in a way I did not expect.  The article is called "From Longing to Belonging"   I really hope you take the time to read it - it is a wonderful article.  It was an article that was good for me, reminding me that it is my responsibility to make sure I have good experiences.  And as that helped me, what really got to me today is a statement at the end by President Howard W. Hunter from 1976.  It talked about unity and how we must do more to be and stay united.  So, no matter how we feel about the election we must stand united.  We must support one another!  We must support and pray for those who are leading our country, our states and our local government.

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