Right after he turned 12 the Young Men were going to the Temple to do Baptisms for the Dead and he got his recommend in time to go! He was so excited! He was so excited that he had taken his recommend to school in his wallet and then when it came time to leave he couldn't find it. He was very disappointed. And if I was a good mom I would have made sure that we got him to the Temple right after that. Well, I didn't. And the YM Deacons Quorum hasn't been since. And then his recommend expired. I felt VERY guilty! So guilty that I have made it a personal goal to get him to the temple once a month! So he got a new recommend and then we were at the end of January. I really wanted to get him to the temple. Have you ever had a trip to the temple planed and had everything go wrong to the point that you just want to stay home? We had the hardest time getting a baby sitter. Jaxon had a horrible headache right as we needed to get ready to go. I was so tired I think I could have gone to bed at 5pm and slept all night! I didn't get Jeron's white shirt on to wash until really late (thank goodness for a washer and dryer that are amazing)! By the time Jeron got home from work I was ready to say, "It just isn't going to happen!" But then I knew we would all miss a wonderful experience!
And it was wonderful! We got there just in time too. About 20 min. after we got there it got very busy to the point of standing room only! I loved telling people that it was Jaxon's first time! He was so nervous! I told him we were in the temple and that there would always be someone who would help him! It was wonderful! I am so glad we took the time and went. I am glad we got to be there with him for his first time. I hope he has the desire to go back often and make this a part of his life. I will make sure that we get the other kids there much sooner then this, that is for sure! Thank you Jaxon for being such a wonderful young man! I love you!
What a great memory he'll have... the difficulty getting there will fade as the wonderful memory of his parents taking him for his first time remains..
What a neat experience. Interesting how Satan tries so hard to keep our kids from having a spiritual experience. You are a good mom! I can't wait to take my three oldest when Tanner turns 12 in June. We have some family names that we are itching to do as a family!
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