Porter turned 9 in November and should have gotten his Wolf at that Pack Meeting. They didn't do it with Thanksgiving and such so he was supposed to get it at December's Pack Meeting. That one had to be canceled at the last minute. He was pretty bummed but what do you do?! January's Pack Meeting was upon us and we got a phone call the day before - it had to be cancelled again! They needed the building for a Funeral. Instead of making all the boys wait until February's Pack Meeting which is also the Blue and Gold they did a make-up Pack Meeting the next week! The time had finally come! Porter got his Wolf after waiting for 2 and 1/2 months!

He got his Wolf, the Gold Arrow point and 2 Silver Arrow points!
We are very proud of you Porter!
My sister has been in Scouts off and on for the last few years and made these really cool ribbons for all the families in her ward! Being the wonderful sister she is she made one for me too! Now I have a place to put all of the boys pins all the way through their Eagle! And they have something to pin the award on that neither one of us has to worry about poking or getting poked! =)
Thank You Aunt Abby!
Congrats to Porter!!
I read your title wrong as 'Peter and the wolf' and immediately started having music in my head as I read. thought you could use a chuckle..
Love the pin idea. We have too many of those floating around here.
Congrats Porter!
I'm sure all of this will soon make more sense to me. My oldest boy turns 8 in April and is getting excited for Scouts. Daddy is chomping at the bit for a Pinewood Derby. ;)
Karson got his wolf this week too. I think I might just be getting used to the scout thing. Congrats to Porter
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