Maycie had therapy today, her LAST therapy appointment actually! It was a wonderful appointment. Over the last month Maycie has progressed so much. At our last appointment she was just pulling herself up to things. Even then she was quite choosy about what she would pull herself up to. It was about the same time that we started trying to fatten her up and we wondered if her weight problem had something to do with the fact that she didn't want to stand much. She started putting on the weight and the standing came right along with it!
She has been so close to graduating for the last 3 months or so. But then she would start to tilt or she wasn't doing a motor skill she should be and so we would make another appointment. But today there was no tilt. And everything they had her do today she did almost perfectly! Every time she would pull herself up to something or bend down to get a toy her therapist would say, "look at her! Look at how wonderful she looks!"
We have come so far in the last 8 months. In some ways it is hard to believe it has been that long. In others it feels like an eternity! I remember our very first appointment and our therapist looking at Maycie and the shock in her voice when she said what a tilt we had going on! And then when I told her it was actually an improvement and that it had been worse, wow! I look back at the pictures and it is the same kind of thing.
Today I talked with our therapist about how glad I am that we did this. When I came home from Maycie's 4 month well visit and had to tell people we were going to have to do therapy I couldn't say it without bursting into tears. I remember how the thought of a helmet at that point made me sick to my stomach. And what in the world could they do with a baby for "physical therapy" for an hour?! And at our first therapy appointment I remember our therapist going over the steps and mentioning a helmet and thinking "please, please, please don't let her have to do a helmet!" I remember an overload of information! The x-ray's of her neck and head just to be sure. The first visit with the Plastic Surgeon. Getting the helmet process started. By this point praying the insurance would cover the helmet. Funny how I had come full circle from, please don't let her have to have one to please let her get it. The awful absess on the back of her head and then a scan to make sure we didn't need to do surgery. By the time we got the second helmet I was so grateful that was all we needed to do that it really seamed like no big deal! And helping me through it all was our physical therapist! Our pediatrician is amazing and so is our Plastic Surgeon. But when you start out seeing someone every week and end up with
only once a month they are more like a friend.
Our therapist kept saying today that it was all me and my hard work that got Maycie where she is now. I have to say a great big NO to that! We had a wonderful team that made sure we covered every base and kept me doing what I needed to do. We had an amazing support system of friends and family that never quit praying for us. Who, when they would hold her would ask me if she was looking/tilting the right way! Who helped me realize and understand this was not my fault. And most of all there was Maycie! I have to say (again!) she really has been a trooper through all of this! She has worked hard and it shows! The last big piece of the puzzle was my Father in Heaven. His peace was with me continually and I know the reason she did so well with everything was because He was with her, helping her with this.
I know one thing that helped me work through this was talking about it. Not being afraid to say this is what we are going through and then finding a way to try and help other people who might be going through the same thing. Starting my helmet blog was one of the best things I did! I think it taught me a life lesson to not try and hide my problems away and pretend they aren't there but to face them head on and then mow them over! You never know who you are going to meet that can help you (or that you may be able to help) if you just let it out there!
Thank You again for all of your prayers, love, support, I could go on all day! I have felt it lifting me continually! We could not have done this without you all!