Saturday, April 2, 2011

Priesthood Power

On March 4th Connor turned 12. On March 6th he was ordained a Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. I have been humbled and blessed to be able to watch him pass the sacrament for the last 3 weeks. We have church at 1:00pm right now. I know this should make it easy to be to church on time. But on the weeks that Jeron and I both have meetings throughout the morning it can get a little tricky! Most of the time Jeron's meeting are early so he is home while I'm gone to help the kids stay on track. With Jaxon now being a Teacher we have set the goal to leave the house by 12:30pm so he can be there early to help prepare the sacrament. I have come to really enjoy this time. At first I worried it would be hard on the girls to have to sit still for so long but it really hasn't been. If anything it has been helpful to all of us to have that quiet time to prepare ourselves. As I listened to Conference this morning I was touched. I think it was Elder L. Tom Perry (I can't even remember now - how sad it that!). He talked about our young men preparing and blessing the sacrament just as the Savior did. I called the kids into my room and did a little rewind and pause! This was something I wanted to make sure they got! I had them listen to what had been said again and we talked about their part in the sacrament and how important it is. I was grateful I had taken this teaching opportunity when Connor looked at me with those big eyes of his as big as they would go and says to me, "Mom, I didn't know I was passing the same way Jesus did." I am humbled with the responsibility I have to teach these young men. With helping them understand the responsibilities they take upon themselves with the Priesthood. I am even more humbled as I watch them preform their priesthood duties with a reverence that shows not just myself, but their Father in Heaven as well, that they do understand.

1 comment:

Ang said...

That's where it's really cool to be a boy mom. I have loved watching my son pass the sacrament this year and feel so pleased that it is important to him. Last night he went with his dad to the priesthood session and I was proud of my boys!!