Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something Does Not Have To Be Done MY Way To Be Done WELL!

A couple of weeks ago I made a goal to vacuum my living room every night before I went to bed. I found if the living room was clean enough to vacuum in the evening I really liked how it felt the next morning! (And I was more likely to try and keep it clean all day!) Sometimes it didn't happen until 10:30 or 11:00pm but it was happening! And it was even starting to spread to the rest of the house! And then I got sick. It took everything I have just to make it through the day. Vacuuming just isn't going to happen!
Awhile back I got a new vacuum. I got a Dyson! I won't let my children use my Dyson yet. (They have to get a Dyson licence after going through Dyson training!) I don't want my Dyson broken and my children break vacuums! And, well, I have a little problem. I like certain things done certain ways. For example: When Jeron and I first got married he tried to help me fold laundry. I have never let him help me fold laundry again. All because I didn't like how he did it. I did it better, or so I thought. So, I'll be honest. My Dyson is not the only reason the living room has not been getting vacuumed while I have been sick. I like my living room vacuumed in a certain way. I know, you don't have to tell me, I'm crazy!
Well last night I couldn't stand it anymore! I needed that living room vacuumed but I just didn't have the energy to do it. So I asked my sweet and wonderful husband to do it for me. And he said yes! Of course! As he started, in a different way then I do it, I almost said something. Then I stopped and thought (shocking, I know!) I thought about how he was doing this as a favor to me. What kind of person would I be if I told him he was doing this favor wrong? How would I feel if this was reversed? Instead I just watched him for a minute. Guess what I living room getting vacuumed, well! He did a great job!
Do I still like certain things certain ways? YES! Will I still vacuum my living room they way I always have? YES! Will I still teach my children to do things the way I like them done? YES! However, I am going to give my best effort to NOT re-do things. To see the effort others put in instead of seeing that it wasn't done my way! If my kids find an easier, for them, way to do something and it is still done well then I say go for it! I might even go a little easier on myself. See, I remember being told, "if you can't do something right, don't do it at all!" Which is a great thing, except that when it comes to my house I think, "I don't have time to clean my whole kitchen!" So I don't do it at all! Now, I'm sure when my Great Grandma Rose would say to me, "if you can't do it right, don't do it at all!" This is NOT what she meant for me to gain! So, I'll just have to learn to be happy with "right" being whatever I can get done at that moment!
I'm feeling better, just not 100%. Honestly, I can't wait for the day that I can fold a batch of laundry without feeling like I'm running a marathon, or load my dishwasher without feeling like I'm going to pass out! There is nothing like being sick to make you appreciate being healthy and all the "have to" things I GET to do being a mom! In the meantime I really do appreciate my family and THEIR way of getting things done for me!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I love this post! And really--we all have very specific ways of doing household chores. Like folding towels--my mom got after me how to do it and I was so annoyed. (This was when I was an adult, mind you) and now I ALWAYS do it that way and won't let Trevor do it any other way! But HE gets annoyed with ME for how I fill the dishwasher. And I'm thinking--Hey! Whoever DOES the task gets to do it however they want! So in other words--he must do it MY way, but I can do it however I want. Sounds fair to me!