Thursday, February 17, 2011

2010 In Review

As the year ended Jeron reminded me about how it had begun. It wasn't good and the rest of the year kind of followed. As I looked back over our last year I thought about the old saying, "hind sight is always 20/20" I say that all the time. I am always feeling like I see things more clearly when I look back on them. And as I looked back this time I did see things more clearly. I saw my Father in Heaven and my Savior lifting me through the many hard things we went through. They were ALWAYS there for me in some way or another.
This is not to say we didn't feel the pain of what we were going through. We did! But I know that the love of my older brother and Savior lessened that pain more then I realized as I was going through those experiences. I thought about going through and talking about some of the things we went through in more detail, but as I started this entry I realized that is not really what I wanted this to be about. I guess what I want you all to know is that I have a testimony of the love that our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ have for each of us. They want nothing more then to be there for each one of us. To be able to put their arms around us and hold us. To make all the pain go away. I know they love me! No matter what I do, they love me! As I make mistakes, repent and try and do better they are there waiting for me with open arms! I know I probably could have had even more help if I had been doing a better job on my end of things. I am not perfect, not even close! I am just trying to be better today then I was yesterday. And one of the things that I have learned this last year is today, right now, that is enough. As I keep progressing I will have to keep moving forward. I can never stand still and be idle. But as I keep trying, and picking myself up as I fall my Father in Heaven and Savior will keep helping me, as they will for us all.
I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am a Mormon! I know that the things I have learned by going to church have helped me! I don't know of anyone who isn't LDS who reads this blog but if you aren't and want to know more about why my faith has been able to help me and more about what we believe and who we are please visit by clicking on the link!

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