Monday, September 28, 2009

You Can't Win Them All

The first loss is always hard. We were starting to think (well, at least I was) that we could really take this all the way undefeated. They still played a good game. My mom reminded me that MY job as a mom is to make sure that Jaxon knows HE did a good job. He did too! There were some mistakes made. Some little and some pretty big ones! But none of them by Jaxon. I made sure he knew I didn't care if they win or lose. All I care about is him and that he does his best and feels good about the game he played.
We did have another injury and he will be out for the rest of the season. Broken leg right above the ankle that now has two pins in it. My cousin did something to his knee at his game and had to ride to Primary Children's in an ambulance. WHAT AM I THINKING LETTING MY SONS PLAY THIS GAME?
Jaxon handled the loss really well. He didn't get down on himself. He was able to believe Jeron and I when we told him he had done a good job and let it go. I was very proud of how he handled the whole thing.

1 comment:

Becky said...

It is hard to lose but with Colby we have found it makes the winning so much sweeter :)